Your Drive We are your Trusted
Road Partners.
We Negotiate,
You Drive!
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Best Truck Loading &
Dispatching Services
From Start to Finish
That meet your Business Goals, Priorities,
Schedules, and Budget.
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Drive under our surveillance
for Smooth and Fast
Dispatching process.
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Our Packages

Bronze Package

$150/Week Per Truck
  • You Are The Boss!
  • No Forced Dispatch
  • PayLoad & FSC= 100% Yours
  • We Negotiate Top Paying Rates
  • Setup Paper Work
  • Email Documents (Limited)

Silver package

$200/Week Per Truck
  • You Are The Boss!
  • No Forced Dispatch
  • PayLoad & FSC= 100% Yours
  • We Negotiate Top Paying Rates
  • Setup Paper Work
  • Email Documents (Limited)
  • Credit Checks (Limited)
  • Personal Dispatcher
  • Request Quick Pay
  • Request Fuel Advances

Gold Package

$250/Week Per Truck
  • You Are The Boss!
  • No Forced Dispatch
  • PayLoad & FSC= 100% Yours
  • We Negotiate Top Paying Rates
  • Setup Paper Work
  • Email Documents (Limited)
  • Credit Checks (Limited)
  • Personal Dispatcher
  • Request Quick Pay
  • Request Fuel Advances
  • 24/7 Dispatch Support
  • Request Insurance Certificate
  • Drive Director Assistance
  • Negotiate Quick Pay Rates
  • Factor Setup Assistance
  • Collection Assistance
  • Detention Charger Assistance
  • Unused Truck Order Assistance


about brad truck dispatch

About Our Company

Brad Truck Dispatch is an Authorized company providing full time truck dispatching services in the USA. We have been successfully delivering our services for 18 years. Our mediating Team of Agents offers exceptional back-end coordination support and tracking, ensuring hassle-free delivery of luggage to desired locations. Our company ensures Smooth and systematic running of Dispatching operations, corroborating safe and sound loading, tracking and dispatching until it reaches its final destination. Our expert agents negotiate maximum paying rates on your behalf and help you earn your ideal deal. We guide drivers and map out the most convenient route for the safe and timely delivery of goods. As a middle man, we handle all truck paperwork, dealing with brokers and shippers on your behalf so that you stay focused on driving. We ensure smooth, safe, scheduled, and streamlined deliverance of goods at most favorable biding rates.

Execute, Manage and Coordinate Your Freight with Us!

It can be quite frustrating for drivers to look for the trusted brokers who can offer them best delivering deals and carriers. There is a tussle that driver has to face between focusing on driving while simultaneously tracking and dispatching loads.
At times you miss on big opportunities just because you couldn’t deliver them on time or right place. We understand the importance of timely deliverance of goods, money, and effort you put into your work daily. We respect this dedication and that’s why we offer streamlined execution and managing of freights with our team of experts. Now you don’t have to worry about tracking, managing, and delivering goods. You can hire us and leave the rest of your commitments to us. Our agents will take charge of all your back-end support from loading to dispatching. We make sure that the deliverance process will be hassle-free and drivers encounter no barriers in the way.

Our Aim:

We have started this company with the sole purpose of providing unparalleled truck loading services in the USA. We aim to help you find the best truck dispatching services and brokers that meets your schedules at desirable rates and fare. Our leads will help you earn maximum credit and recognition with no obstacles in your way.

Our Core Values

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Quick and timely Deliverance
  • Safe & Secure
  • Competitive Dispatching Rates
  • Low Service Rates
  • Personalized Service
  • Mediating Services

Why Us

Why you need a Truck Dispatching Service?

You must be wondering why you need a truck Dispatching Services. Well many small trucking companies have drivers but they have poor management and tracking which leads to late delivery or in worst cases at wrong doorsteps too. They struggle finding suitable freights that can lift their loads and trusted brokers for dealing. That’s where we show up to save your falling fates. Yes, we as Truck Dispatching company, act as third party mediators who take charge of all your back end support and management of dispatching process. We ensure that driver finds the best freight, road map and schedules. We help you make best deals and gauge fair collection.

Why Choose us?

Brad Truck holding companies and independent drivers don’t waste their labor and time on back-end support. They make an intelligible choice of hiring a trusted company that can take care of all their transporting and loading tasks. If you are a driver looking for the best professional truck loading services in town, you have already landed on the right page. Brad Truck Dispatch Services is the best pick for you. Leave all your heavy loading & shipment commitments on us and focus solely on driving. We take burden off your shoulders by managing your billing, invoices, and any other paperwork. We deliver the competitive advantage you need while eliminating the uncertainty and complexity of your freight delivery. Our dispatcher carefully sets up routes and coordinates with fleet drivers to make streamed and scheduled pick-ups and deliveries. Our expert team of dispatchers keeps the follow-ups and monitor weather and traffic conditions to guide drivers to take the best route with no hindrance in the way. What makes us unique in our services is that Some dispatchers specialize in solely booking loads, while Brad Truck Dispatch, offer a wide variety of services such as invoice management and detention requests. Our commitment to serve our clients and help them achieve maximum paying rates makes us stand out in the market.


Our Truck Dispatchers Specialize

Dry Van

If you are looking for a truck dispatcher to manage your dry van freight, you’ve found the right truck dispatching company that can help you achieve a peace of mind through professional truck dispatching services. Reach out today.


If you are looking for a flatbed truck dispatcher to manage your flatbed or conestoga freight, Brad Truck Dispatch has you covered. We offer professional truck dispatch services for serious truckers. Reach out to our freight dispatchers.


If you are looking for a reefer truck dispatcher to manage your reefer freight, our truck dispatchers at Brad Truck Dispatch can help you achieve your goals. Reach out today to speak to one of our expert truck dispatchers.


How can we help you?

Brad Truck dispatch services are your trusted back end support that helps you load and deliver goods timely and safely by:

  • Finding freight
  • Negotiating Services
  • Rates and billing
  • Commitments and dealing
  • Safe delivery of goods
  • Mediating communication and consultation
  • Road mapping
  • Paper Work
  • Maximum paying rates


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We are ready to take your call 24/7!

Call now:(571) 556-8055